Thursday, 29 December 2011

The Strawberry Connection - A personal collection

“Are wild strawberries really wild? Will they scratch an adult, will they snap at a child? Should you pet them, or let them run free where they roam? Could they ever relax in a steam-heated home? Can they be trained to not growl at the guests? Will a litterbox work or would they make a mess? Can we make them a Cowberry, herding the cows, or maybe a Muleberry pulling the plows, or maybe a Huntberry chasing the grouse, or maybe a Watchberry guarding the house, and though they may curl up at your feet oh so sweetly can you ever feel that you trust them completely? Or should we make a pet out of something less scary, like the Domestic Prune or the Imported Cherry, Anyhow, you've been warned and I will not be blamed if your Wild Strawberries cannot be tamed.”
Shel Silverstein, Where the Sidewalk Ends

Still life with wild strawberries, Adriaen Coorte, 1705

Lady Wearing a Gauze Headdress, Rogier Van der Weyden, c. 1435

Strawberry - Manuscript illumination, Erik Nitsche, 1985

Strawberries on foil, 2010

Strawberry Pickers, Theodore Wores

Basket of Strawberries, Chardin, 1761

Brandied Apricots, Chardin, 1758

Chocolate Strawberries, Thaw Malin, April 2009

Still life with strawberries, Evgenia Petrovna Antipova, 1960

Strawberries, Sean Farrell, 2003

The Strawberry Girl (detail), Ammi Philips (1788-1865)

Little Red Riding Hood, John Everett Millet, 1865

Strawberry Sundae, Walter Garver

Strawberry Field, Liverpool

Strawberries, Adriaen Coorte

Sow Bug, Roberta Baer

Strawberries, Abbey Ryan, 2009

Portrait of a Lady, Rogier van der Weyden, c. 1455

Still life with Walnuts, Hazelnuts and Strawberries, Floris van Dijck, 1611

Strawberry fields, Michael Arnold

Strawberries, Edouard Manet, 1882

Strawberries, Lucian Freud, c. 1950

The Strawberry Thief, William Morris, 1883

Clay with Wild Strawberries, Adriaen Coorte

Strawberries on a Spanish plate, Julian Merrow-Smith, 2011

Bluehende Pflanzen
Weyden, Rogier van der,
1399/1400 - 1464.
'Das juengste Gericht', um 1449/51.
Ausschnitt: Bluehende Pflanzen auf dem
Weg zur Paradiespforte.
Linker innerer Seitenfluegel.
Oel auf Holz, 137,5 x 82 cm.

Magdalen, Rogier Van der Weyden

Strawberries and Cream  1875, John Francis

Still life with Champagne and Strawberries, Isidore Verheyden (1846-1905)

A bear, cherries, strawberries, apples, briar, and various insects and butterflies, Wenceslaus Hollar, 1663

Strawberries, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1905

NASA - The Strawberry Connection

1 comment:

pascal digital said...

een indrukwekkende collectie!
van de gelegenheid maak ik gebruik u een mooi 2012 toe te wensen